Writing and City Life MCQs

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Chapter Explanation

1. The name Mesopotamia is derived from the Greek words mesos, meaning________, and potamos, meaning river.

(a) Back

(b) Upper

(c) Middle(Answer)

(d) Deep


2. Mesopotamia is now part of the Republic of_______.

(a) Pakistan

(b) Iraq(Answer)

(c) China

(d) Egypt


3. Mesopotamia the land between the two river ________ and ___________

(a) Tigris and Nile

(b) Euphrates and Nile

(c) Tigris and Euphrates(Answer)

(d) None of the above


4. The first known language of the land was ________

(a) Arabic

(b) Sumerian(Answer)

(c) Persian

(d) Akkadian


5. Mesopotamia was important to Europeans because of references to it in the______, the first part of the Bible.

(a) Bible No. 1

(b) New Testament

(c) Old Testament(Answer)

(d) Testament part 498


6. Archaeology in Mesopotamia began in the___________.

(a) 1850s

(b) 1840s(Answer)

(c) 1870s

(d) 1900s


7. The story of Noah is similar to the story in Mesopotamian tradition, where the principal character was called _________

(a) Ziusudra

(b) Utnapishtim

(c) Avatar

(d) a and b both(Answer)


8. Mesopotamian weapons were made up of metal (­____________)

(a) Bronze(Answer)

(b) Iron

(c) Copper

(d) Iron


9. Bronze is an alloy of ___________and tin.

(a) Iron

(b) Copper(Answer)

(c) Lead

(d) None of these


10. The earliest cities in Mesopotamia date back to the bronze age, c.____ BCE.

(a) 1000

(b) 2000

(c) 3000(Answer)

(d) 4000


11. In the north of the Mesopotamia, there is a stretch of upland called a __________, where animal herding offers people a better livelihood than agriculture – after the winter rains, sheep and goats feed on the grasses and low shrubs that grow here.

(a) Craps

(b) Steppe(Answer)

(c) Water land

(d) Lead Land


12. The division of ___________ is a mark of urban life.

(a) Home

(b) Labour(Answer)

(c) Life

(d) Time

13. This head is Known as _____________

(a) Red Lady head

(b) Warka Head(Answer)

(c) Larka Head

(d) Stri Sar


14. This woman’s head was sculpted in white marble at _______before 3000 BCE.

(a) Mali

(b) Uruk(Answer)

(c) Steppe

(d) None of these


15. The eyes and eyebrows would probably have taken __________(blue) and shell (white) and bitumen (black) inlays, respectively.

(a) Black Ruble

(b) lapis lazuli(Answer)

(c) Bactic

(d) White ruble


16. In Mesopotamia the cheapest way of transportation is ____________

(a) bullock carts

(b) air

(c) Water(Answer)

(d) None of the above


17. ___________river in Mesopotamia was important for ‘world route’.

(a) Euphrates(Answer)

(b) lapis lazuli

(c) Tigris

(d) Both a and c


18. The first Mesopotamian tablets, written around _____BCE.

(a) 3500

(b) 3200(Answer)

(c) 450

(d) 4500


19. What language was used after Sumerian.

(a) Akkadian(Answer)

(b) English

(c) Persian

(d) Arabic


20. ________ in Mesopotamian was a skilled craft but, more important, it was an enormous intellectual achievement, conveying in visual form the system of sounds of a particular language.

(a) Swimming

(b) Dancing

(c) Writing(Answer)

(d) Horse riding


21. ________ Mesopotamians could read and write.

(a) Many

(b) Only king of

(c) Very few(Answer)

(d) Only 100


22. _______ was the earliest rulers of Uruk.

(a) Alexander

(b) Urukian


(c) Enmerkar(Answer)


(d) Charles



23. Cuneiform is derived from the _________words cuneus, meaning ‘wedge’ and forma, meaning ‘shape’.


(a) Greek


(b) Latin(Answer)


(c) Sanskrit


(d) Persian




24. ________was the Goddess of Love and War


(a) Ur


(b) Inanna(Answer)


(c) Avatar


(d) All of the above



25. _________ was the god of Moon.


(a) Ur(Answer)


(b) Inanna


(c) Avatar


(d) All of the above



26. Why leaders encouraged the settlement of villagers close to themselves,


(a) For food


(b) For water


(c) to be able to rapidly get an army together.(Answer)


(d) to be able to make boat together.



27. there was a technological landmark that we can say is appropriate to an urban economy was ______________


(a) Boat


(b) the potter’s wheel(Answer)


(c) Irrigation system


(d) King



28. In Mesopotamia until the end of the ____millennium BCE, cylindrical stone seals, pierced down the centre, were fitted with a stick and rolled over wet clay so that a continuous picture was created.


(a) Second


(b) First(Answer)


(c) Third


(d) Forth



29. Mesopotamian society the ______ family.


(a) Nuclear(Answer)


(b) Joint


(c) Mix


(d) Divided



30. Ur was a town whose ordinary houses were systematically excavated in the_________.


(a) 1930s(Answer)


(b) 1940s


(c) 1960s


(d) 1980s



After 2000 BCE the royal capital of Mari flourished. that Mari stands not on the southern plain with its highly productive agriculture but much further upstream on the Euphrates. agriculture and animal rearing were carried out close to each other in this region. Some communities in the kingdom of Mari had both farmers and pastoralists, but most of its territory was used for pasturing sheep and goats. Herders need to exchange young animals, cheese, leather and meat in return for grain, metal tools, etc., and the manure of a penned flock is also of great use to a farmer. Yet, at the same time, there may be conflict. A shepherd may take his flock to water across a sown field, to the ruin of the crop. Herdsmen being mobile can raid agricultural villages and seize their stored goods. For their part, settled groups may deny pastoralists access to river and canal water along a certain set of paths. Through Mesopotamian history, nomadic communities of the western desert filtered into the prosperous agricultural heartland. Shepherds would bring their flocks into the sown area in the summer. Such groups would come in as herders, harvest labourers or hired soldiers, occasionally become prosperous, and settle down. A few gained the power to establish their own rule. These included the Akkadians, Amorites, Assyrians and Aramaeans. The kings of Mari were Amorites whose dress differed from that of the original inhabitants and who respected not only the gods of Mesopotamia but also raised a temple at Mari for Dagan, god of the steppe. Mesopotamian society and culture were thus open to different people and cultures, and the vitality of the civilisation was perhaps due to this intermixture.


31. The kings of Mari were _________ community


(a) Amorites(Answer)


(b) Dagan


(c) Akkadians


(d) Assyrians



32. who was the god of Steppe


(a) Mari


(b) Dagon(Answer)


(c) Dragan


(d) Ur



33. Most of the territory was used as ____________in Mari.


(a) pasturing goat and sheep(Answer)


(b) Agriculture


(c) Temple


(d) Waste land



34. There was a conflict between _______ and farmer in Mari


(a) Farmer’s family


(b) Herdsmen(Answer)


(c) Trader


(d) King



35. Mari stands not on the southern plain with its highly productive agriculture but much further upstream on the____________.


(a) Euphrates(Answer)


(b) Tigris


(c) Nile


(d) Ganga



36. In 2000 BCE ___________ city flourished as the royal capital of Mesopotamia


(a) Ur


(b) Mari(Answer)


(c) Dagon


(d) Amorites



37. who was the popular king of Mari.


(a) Dagon


(b) Amorites


(c) Zimrilim(Answer)


(d) Noah



38. There was _____ rooms in The Palace at Mari of King.


(a) 250


(b) 260(Answer)


(c) 270


(d) 280



39. copper, tin, oil, wine, and various other goods that were carried in boats along the ____________– between the south and the mineral-rich uplands of Turkey, Syria and Lebanon.


(a) Tigris


(b) Nile


(c) Euphrates(Answer)


(d) Ganga



40. Mari is a good example of an urban centre prospering on trade. Boats carrying grinding stones, wood, and wine and oil jars, would stop at Mari on their way to the southern cities. Officers of this town would go aboard, inspect the cargo (a single river boat could hold 300 wine jars), and levy a charge of about one-tenth the value of the goods before allowing the boat to continue downstream. Barley came in special grain boats. Most important, tablets refer to copper from______, the island of Cyprus, known for its copper, and tin was also an item of trade.


(a) Dinar


(b) Alashiya(Answer)


(c) Jamica


(d) Japan



41. who was Gilgamesh?


(a) Ruler of Mari


(b) Name of river in Mari


(c) God of wind


(d) Ruler of uruk after Enmerkar(Answer)



42. The most poignant reminder to us of the pride Mesopotamians took in their cities comes at the end of the Gilgamesh Epic, which was written on _____ tablets.


(a) 12(Answer)


(b) 15


(c) 18


(d) 20



43. The division of the year into 12 months according to the revolution of the moon around the earth, the division of the month into four weeks, the day into 24 hours, and the hour into 60 minutes – all that we take for granted in our daily lives – has come to us from the__________.


(a) Pakistan


(b) India


(c) Mesopotamians(Answer)


(d) France


44.__________, released Babylonia from Assyrian domination in 625 BCE


(a) Achaemenids


(b) Nabopolassar(Answer)


(c) Sargon,


(d) Alashiya



45. when Alexander conquered Babylon?


(a) 225 BCE


(b) 331 BCE(Answer)


(c) 221 BCE


(d) 539 BCE



46. last Assyrian kings of Babylon?


(a) Assurbanipal(Answer)


(b) Akkadian


(c) Nabopolassar


(d) Achaemenids



47. What was the capital of Babylonia in the reign of Assurbanipal


(a) Dagon


(b) Nineveh(Answer)


(c) Nabopolassar


(d) Nabonidus



48. What do you mean by ziggurat?


(a) Rod


(b) Old Tablet


(c) stepped tower(Answer)


(d) None of the above



49. __________ was the last ruler of independent Babylon.


(a) Dagon


(b) Nineveh


(c) Nabopolassar


(d) Nabonidus(Answer)



50. who was the king of akkad in 2370 BCE


(a) Dagon


(b) Nineveh


(c) Nabopolassar


(d) Nabonidus(Answer)